"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Miracle

I've been sitting on a truly remarkable story for a few weeks now, partially because I knew it wasn't done unfolding and partially because I wasn't quite sure how to do it justice.  Nevertheless, I'm going to try...

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a woman I know.  She is big into adoption and deep into adoption.  She happened to come across a post on an adoption feed.  She contacted me and sent me the feed.  It read this (names have been omitted for privacy and per protocol):

My name is T--- L---. Last year I adopted two brothers by the names of E--- and A--- out of Addis from the T---- orphanage. I was told by my placement agency that their best friends, M---- and N---- were being adopted by a family through Dove agency.  My goal in posting this is to reunite these close friends. If anyone has any information regarding M---- and N----, you can reply to this post or contact me privately at t------@gmail.com.
My sons ask consistently about M----- and N----- and miss them greatly. I would love to have the opportunity to give them the gift of seeing or hearing from them again.  Along with my contact info., can you also tell them that E---- and A----- send their fondest hello's and that they miss them like brothers.


Needless to say, she sent this information to me.  Of course I called this woman  and she just about jumped through the phone when I introduced myself.  She truly is a remarkable, God-fearing woman.  She is a mother of twelve - 10 biological and 2 adopted.  We exchanged stories and pleasantries until we both figured out we were decent human beings :) 
Then she mentioned that she would love the chance for our boys to reunite shortly after they come home with us.  She was unconcerned with the cost or the distance.  But, you'll never guess...
They not only live in our state but they only live about 1.5-2 hours away.  Again, I find it no simply coincidence that four boys who consider themselves brothers in an orphanage half way around the world end up with families who live so close to each other.
Her boys are ecstatic and mine will be as soon as they receive my letter telling them this (along with quite a few pictures of their "brothers").

Hold on, though, this story gets better.

This woman also keeps a blog that I have been reading in bits and pieces.  Here is part of a post from a year and half ago (again, names blanked out...I've also underlined some key components):

As I was typing this post, S---[her husband] called. They went to court today and our boys, E---and A--- are officially OUR boys....they are MY sons! They now have our last name!! Today a new branch has been grafted to our family tree.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of adoption.

S--- said the first thing they did was go back to the orphanage and tell E---- and A---- that they were officially our sons today and that we would bring them home in a couple of weeks.

Then there was silence. And S--- said, "But there are others, T----."

And he began to tell me of another set of brothers who were just amazing boys... He said he noticed the dejection in the faces of some of the other children when he came back to tell E--- and A--- the good news. His heart has been pricked deeply by the need of these children for a family. But his main concern was for these other brothers aged 11 and 12. No one has even once inquired about them. They have been separated from a sister that was adopted over to Spain. Oh, the need is so great. I want to take them all.

My boys have been on this family's heart for over a year.  We've heard from our friends Erin and JT how wonderful our boys are but to hear it from a complete stranger who never even knew us is absolutely astonishing.

Hold on, though, this story gets better.

T---- called me last week.  Another woman, C---,  has been looking for my boys, too and asked T--- if she could pass on my contact information.  Of course I called this woman.  We both told our stories.  She adopted a girl from the same orphanage nearly three years ago.  Her daughter longs for my boys and misses them dearly.  Apparently, my boys sort of "adopted" her as a little sister and always took special care of her.  C--- spent approximately two weeks at the orphanage and also tells of the sensitive, meek, and mild personalities of my boys.  She, too, fell in love with them.  She is going to send me pictures of her daughter so I can tell our boys (M---- and N----) the good news.  But wouldn't you know, she lives in NJ, just a short distance from my parents.  Both she and her daughter are eagerly awaiting our first trip to PA so they can come and be reunited.

Hold on, though, this story gets better.

Our friends Erin and JT had told us that there is a boy at the orphanage who is about the same age as our boys.  They are the three oldest boys there and they all love each other very much.  He has no one adopting him.  Jordan and I talked about and decided we would adopt him if we could.  We made all the necessary phone calls but quite unfortunately it didn't work out.  We were all pretty bummed.  But God, being the awesome God He is had another plan...

Remember my friend, T---?!?!?  I just was formally notified by her that their family is adopting this third boy!!!  I simply cannot believe that these five boys who love each other so much will be within VERY easy visiting distance from one another.

God's great hand of mercy is all over the orphan and His heart is HUGE for them.  We know that from scripture.  This story confirms that even more.  Friends, this is not a simple chain of coincidences.  I truly don't think that even one of these events is a coincidence.  Put them all together and I'd like to call them a miracle...a miracle that I have the privilege of witnessing first-hand :) 


  1. Sarah, I have chills just reading this and I am crying with joy as I witness God keeping His promises. Exodus 22:22-23 shows us the special concern God shows for the orphan. He says, "Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry." They have cried out to the Lord as have those of you who have faithfully sought the best outcome for these orphans. How wonderful that they will soon be reunited as friends!

  2. Oh my goodness...tears streaming down my face!!! God is SO incredibly amazing!!! <3 <3 I dont even know what to say, so beautiful!

  3. I am not sure I could top the telling of this story! You did a wonderful job of conveying the timeline and the miracle of it all. Now it's my turn to shout out this miracle! Our whole family is looking forward to meeting you and yours!
