"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

Sunday, June 7, 2015

#lovelifegiveliver: The Facts


This post is written in honor (so much honor) of Hannah George and Elijah Tsawo

To say donating part of my liver was an experience is gross understatement.  It was a miracle.  Until this process even started, I had no idea that there was such a need...such a desperate need.  I want to tell my story, from beginning to present, in an effort to raise awareness for the need of living organ donors.  I want to show you that while there were many painful parts of the process, it is doable for the average person.  Highly doable.  In fact, I would do it again if I could.  The good far outweighed the bad by so much I can't even begin to compare it.  This post is intended to provide the facts about the surgery.  What happened and how it happened.  The next blog will explain the feelings of the process.  What I learned going through it.

The previous blog post (here: If Not Us Then Who?) detailed how I came to this place.  The only detail missing was that they called me on Tuesday afternoon to let me know that surgery would be that Friday morning.  As soon as I got the call, I made my calls and everything was set in the matter of hours.  I'm telling you, my support system is amazing (HUGE shout out to my Mom, Tina, and Rebekah).  After scrambling like a nut on Wednesday and Thursday, I left Thursday night after I tucked all my babies into bed and kissed them extra to meet my mom and Tina a hotel near the hospital.  We got zero sleep and left for the hospital at 5:00 am for a report time of 5:30 am.  Thankfully, Tina photo documented much of the journey so I'll let the pictures help tell the story.

*While all of the pictures are appropriate (no unnecessary body parts), some are just plain gross and a few are pretty graphic (viewing of internal organs).  Proceed with caution if you are the queasy sort.

Here is my no make-up, no lotion, no deodorant self with the Captain of Team Tina, Tina.  (I refused to abide by the "no hairspray rule") 

Me, Tina, and Mom a few minutes before they called me back to prep

After the called me back, I left Tina and Mom while the took my vitals and dressed me for surgery.  Tina and Mom were allowed back after the initial IV was in place and I was ready for anesthesia.

Almost ready to go back
I had an AMAZING anesthesia team.  No nausea post-op, just as promised :) 

Time to say So Long and head back to surgery.

Right after Mom and Tina left they pushed some medication through my IV to "calm me down."  Boy, I'd like a home stash of that stuff.  I was high as a kite with not a care in the world.  Upon entering the operating room I remember telling them all about my children.  The last thing I remember is being hoisted onto the hard metal table...I don't even remember landing on it.  They were that good.  I did pull a fast one on them, however.  What they didn't see was that I had a wallet-sized picture of the eight of us tucked in my hand.  When they realized it, they let me hold it all throughout the surgery.  I awoke with it in my hand.  The surgeon snapped some pretty awesome pictures during the surgery.  Two of them are when I am the most opened right after the cut and right after they separated my liver.  This to me is absolutely awesome.  Not only did he take the pictures, he showed them to Tina after the surgery was over and emailed them to me for a souvenir upon request.

Here is my liver and some other assorted guts.  Note the huge gloved hand in my guts under my liver.  Just plain awesome.

This picture was taken after my liver was cut "millimeter by millimeter."  The portion on the left is still inside of me.  The portion on the right is inside Baby Elijah.  Both of our livers have been growing since they minute they were attached back to all the various vessels.  (Side note:  after I saw these pictures, I realized why I felt like someone had beat me up...that is one heck of a hole!)
You can see the picture of my family here in my right hand.  Tina noticed it while I was in recovery. <3  This was a precious gift the surgeons gave to me.  Clearly, they respected the love I have for my family.
As I awakened more (still in a anesthesia-induced drunken stupor), Tina was right there by my side, snapping some pictures to help me remember what is at best, foggy and groggy in my mind.  She was also there to comfort me, reassure me, and advocate for me...and to boss me around when I just didn't feel like doing anything.  

Just starting to realize I'm alive
Cue Drunken-Stupor look now - I was feeling good and so happy to see my Tina.  I became much more ornery once I realized the NG tube and oxygen were shoved in my nose along with six IV's shoved in my arms.

Starting to realize it...

All the nastiness coming out of my stomach via NG tube
Thumbs Up:  Successful surgery, successful pain management

Praise God, the surgery went so well that I didn't even need to go to the ICU.  I was able to move from the recovery room straight to a step-down unit.  I don't remember much about the first 24 hours after surgery other than waking up for short bits of time.  I do remember waking up to a whole host of residents swooping down upon me (or so it felt) to remove my dressings.  I remember being scared and awestruck at the same time.

You can't see them yet, but those residents are starting to nose around my guts...
They found me...fresh meat! (note the picture still in my hand <3)
Swoop!  Here they come!  Thank heavens I still have boatloads of anesthesia in me and can't feel a blasted thing. 

All hands on deck...literally!

After finishing my coffee with that stupid NG tube in, I convinced them to pull it out...
(Note: I still have Brea's dog tucked beside me.  He really was comforting)
So here they are pulling it out.  The sensation was odd and the smell was terrible!
After that ordeal it was time for another nap so Tina went to visit sweet baby Elijah who was courageously working on his recovery...without the added benefit of Starbucks

He's clearly still groggy and in some pain but managed to give Tina a half smile
He even mustered enough strength to move his little hand around
Some baby sweetness

I realized that I absolutely HATE the air compression leg stockings.  They are hot, itchy, and so uncomfortable.  I begged to take those things off so they agreed as long as I would get up and take regular walks.  Here is my first awkward and slow attempt.
IV Pole, check.  O2 just in case, check.  Foley bag (YUCK), check.  Walker, check.
Here I go!  Despite the pain, it felt SO good to be out of that bed.

I made it back into a chair for the first time.

The precious gift the pediatric nurses made for me...Elijah's hand print.  It now is proudly displayed on my dresser.

The next morning I woke up, ready to face the day.  There was still PLENTY of anesthesia left in my system (little did we know the actual pain meds prescribed to me wouldn't work) and Tina brought me another Starbucks.  All I needed was make-up and I was ready to face another day.

I also needed (read: wanted desperately) a shower.  Only three things stood in my way:  the epidural, the foley, and the fact I couldn't stand very long or move very well.  In my mind this was an easy fix. Sweet talk the doctors to remove my epidural.  Then, the foley can come out.  Lastly, sweet talk Tina into scouting out a shower chair.

Epidural ready to come out.  The only thing I felt was the tape ripping every single hair off of my back.

And the foley came out.  On its on.  Halfway in the hallway, halfway sitting in this very chair.  Yuck.
Clearly, after that nastiness it was time for a shower.  Tina got me a shower chair and like a good sport (and a best friend) helped me with my first shower.  We weren't brave enough to wash my hair just yet but overall we did a great job and I felt a lot better.  It was also a wonderful feeling to be out of the hospital gown and into some real pajamas.  After this experience I have a different view and greater respect for the patients in the hospital.  Working in health care you have a tendency to become desensitized to helping people with their daily needs without taking a moment to think how they may feel about it.  It's downright odd to have someone help you shower when it's something you've been doing since you've been five or so.  While I've always been gentle and kind with my patients, I will without a doubt see them in a different light.  Here is my incision a after the shower.  It's looking better but hurts like the devil.

With my new cleanliness and loads of anesthesia still in me, I was ready to go see Baby Elijah and his mother for the first time.  He had taken a turn for the worse at this time and needed to be put back on the respirator. 

I truthfully don't have any words to describe this experience.

Again, I have no suitable words for this.

Emotionally and physically I was exhausted after this.  Time to say goodbye for today.
If I recall, I went to bed after this encounter, flooded with all sorts of emotions and thoughts.  Looking back, I still don't have any words precise enough to describe this encounter.

Day 4 I was ready to leave.  I was started to really experience pain as the anesthesia was wearing off and I was being transitioned to new medications that didn't work for me.  I talked the resident into removing my JP drain...warning:  this is a little gross :)

I also wanted to see Elijah again.  This time when we went up he was having an ultrasound done.  I was able to see MY liver in HIS body working in real time.  I could actually see his blood flowing through the arteries and veins.  That was amazing.

The red color is the blood flowing through the arteries, the blue is the blood flowing through the veins.  AMAZING

The next day my liver counts were too high and I was in pain.  They sent me to get an ultrasound of my liver while they decided what to do about my pain.  Thank goodness for Tina.  It was late at night and my team was not in house.  She demanded that someone, anyone, come who had power and authority to give me some medicine.  We both were ornery and on a mission.  After being the squeaky wheel for TWO HOURS, the trauma team was able to offer me a medication that actually worked.  That day my skin started to yellow a bit as did the whites of my eyes. 

You can see that I've "yellowed" just a tad.

The inside corners of my eyes started to yellow as well.

Though I'm still swollen at this point, the incision continued to heal well.

The next day my pain was under control and I was ready for a shower.  A real one.  One where I could wash my hair.  It was glorious.  Again, I felt so much better after that.  Shortly afterwards, another problem started.  The medicine they used to control my pain cause severe constipation and nausea.  Yuck.  We tried to remedy that all sorts of ways (I'll spare you those details).  The only thing that worked was to pull me off all heavy duty medications and start me on ibuprofen.  While the pain control wasn't as effective, it was enough to get by.  I'd rather be in a bit more pain than to be pain free with loads of nausea and relentless constipation.

Nothing feels as good as washing your hair after a few days :)

Tina and I wanted to see Elijah and his mom again.  We decided to take dinner up to them that night and enjoy some time with them.  Unfortunately by the time night came I was really under the weather.  We did make the trek to see that sweet baby and his mom but I wasn't good company.  I had enough energy to love the baby and eat about three bites of my dinner...the dinner poor Tina left the hospital to go get.  I had a craving for Chipotle the day before but by the time night came, it left me.  Tina- I owe you a good Chipotle dinner!

How can you not smile when you see his sweet baby face


Elijah's mom and I
Enjoying Elijah
I was hoping to be discharged the next day (the day Jordan was due back home) but that didn't happen because of being ill the previous day.  I stayed in the hospital one more LONG day and was set to leave the next day, provided all my counts were back to where they should be.  I woke up that morning feeling better than I had before.  Being off the heavy duty meds for 24 hours did the trick.  Everything was moving as it should and I had an (odd) appetite back.  Believe it or not, I had milk and cereal for breakfast that morning.  For those of you who know me, I have not had milk since I was about 5 years old.  I can't stand it.  I don't eat cereal either.  Ever.  I attribute it to the lack of Vitamin D from being in a hospital room for 7 days.  Who knows.  Either way, I left that evening with Jordan to return back home.  To my home.  With my husband.  And my kids.  And my dogs.  Any Rebekah.  And it was good (well, except for the bumpy ride home).
I had to show Brea that her beloved dog made it through this ordeal :)

The first milk and cereal breakfast I had in roughly 27 years

Here are some sweet pictures Elijah's mom texted to Tina and I throughout our stay.  He is just precious.

We had a lot of things going on once I got home (end of school activities, recitals, etc) so I am BEYOND grateful that Rebekah stayed to run the house.  She kept my entire home together during my absence and recovery.  I left for this surgery without writing down one instruction or worrying one bit.  I have no idea why the Lord saw our family fit to bless us with her, but He did and I am grateful.  Rebekah, you are so much more than our nanny...you are our family <3

Days here at home are good.  I have good days and nights and some bad ones but overall I am pleased with my recovery.  Below are updated pictures of my healing

My incision is healing nicely and is nearly all the way closed except for the top and corners.

This is the hole where my drain was.  It's closing slowly but surely.  I cannot wait to wear pants again :)

The bruising from a bad IV is healing nicely too...thanks in part to my Boo-Boo Essential Oils

So you see, most anyone can do this.  It's doable.  Yes, it's uncomfortable and sometimes rather painful, but as I said before the good FAR outweighs the bad.  By far.  Every time I get another picture of Elijah for his mother, it makes every single uncomfortable moment worth it.

I cannot close this post without thanking my wonderfully kind, caring, and talented team at Duke.  They were beyond phenomenal and attentive.

Dr. Ravindra:  the surgeon for the abdominal transplant team
This has got to be one of the most gentle, loving doctors I have ever met.
Dr. Berg:  the director and hepatologist for the abdominal transplant team
Dr. Berg is a nationally known hepatologist who is full of information.  He thoroughly explained every question I had with patience and clarity.
Dr. Stonerock:  the transplant pyschologist
A wonderfully sensitive man, Dr. Stonerock was a tremendous support before the surgery and while I was in the hospital

Dr. Greene:  the anesthesiologist
Thanks to this man, I had absolutely NO nausea coming out of surgery.  He also provided comic relief the during the moments leading up to surgery 


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