"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Joseph Joshua

Last night as I was waiting for the ball to drop I couldn't help but reflect on all the many blessings in my life.  Naturally, my children are at the top of that list.  With that in mind, I've decided to do a sort of tribute for each of them on the blog, starting with the oldest.

Joseph Joshua
Age: 7
DOB: 6/10/04
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Food:  Grammy's spaghetti and tacos
Favorite activity:  building just about anything - legos, transformers, puzzles, blocks, etc
Favorite sport:  swimming and baseball
Interests:  Marvel superheros, Penn State, Phillies, wild animals (from national geographics)
How he chose his new name:  True story - He went into his room so he could think about it.  He wanted ideas so he took in his Bible and a picture album of our family.  Approximately 15 minutes later he came out and told us he wanted to be Joseph Joshua.  He thought Joseph (the son of Jacob) and Joshua (from the battle of Jericho) were "pretty cool guys" from the Bible.  So that's how he became our Joseph Joshua.  Though we had some other ideas of our own we certainly couldn't argue with that rationale.  Thus, Joseph Joshua he is.

Joseph, Joseph, Joseph.  Even as I type his name I must shake my head.  My son is such a wonder.  There truly is something about a mother and her son.  As quickly as I want to wring his little neck is as quickly as I want to squeeze him up tightly.  Joseph is all boy.  He loves to get dirty, he loves to invent "creations" with sticks, stones and mud, and he loves to build spaceships, forts, and boats.  He hates taking showers but will sit in the tub for an hour as long as he has his shaving kit and match box cars.  He hates cleaning his room but will gladly weed the whole one acre yard for a dollar.  He adores Jordan and looks to him for approval.  He loves me and comes to me for comfort.  He can't stand his sisters at times but will always look out for them and look after them.

Joseph can read like a champ.  Currently, he is in his own reading program at school where he is at a fifth grade reading level (he is in first grade).  This is truly a gift of his as he is average in every other subject.  Joseph will read nearly anything he can get his hands on but he especially loves books about predators and prey, nature, inventions, and the Bible.  At only seven years old Joseph will pick up his Bible, read a chapter or two, and then come to us with thoughtful questions, many of which we struggle to answer.  He's memorized many verses (some, because he had to write them out as punishment!) and already has learned so many stories.  Joseph is curious about EVERYTHING.  This child has not one question but rather one hundred questions about everything.  Because of this I'm sure that his gift of reading was chosen especially for him.  This boy is never satisfied with the information we can give him - thank heaven for books!

Joseph clearly struggles from the trauma of his past.  As a parent I must always remain one step ahead of Joseph.  I've come to really learn what will set him off, what will trouble him, or what will excite him.  I've learned to anticipate this and prepare for it.  I have to plan my reactions so I don't overreact or underreact.  Joseph yearns for consistent comfort.  He loves knowing that expections, rules, and routines, aren't going to change.  Sameness is his comfort.  Thus, sameness he will receive.  It is tough to always prepare for what may come next but it surely has been worth it.  He has made so much progress in the past nine months. 

Joseph is a sweet child.  Though he must work through some issues, he often tries to please us.  He always helps out around the house when asked, he loves to do "big kid chores" like vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms, etc.  He's the child who will randomly come to us, hug us, and tell us he loves us.  Any my Joseph is handsome, boy is he handsome.  I know I'm rather biased, but really, look at the kid.
Joseph is adventurous.  He loves to try activities, regardless of what the pain or fear level may be.  He loves to ride scary rides, try stunts on his bike, and attempt flips and turns in karate.  Until May he had never been in a pool in his entire life...infact, he didn't even know how to wear a bathing suit (he had so much trouble understanding you didn't wear underwear!)  By August he was diving off of the high dive at the pool and riding waves in the ocean.  We have such great hopes for this guy.  His brains and will power will undoubtedly take him as far as he chooses to go.  Watch out, world, Joseph Joshua is out for an adventure. 


  1. Tell him from one big reader to another, books are the BEST adventure!

    Loved reading this, thank you for sharing!

  2. He is destined for great things if he is a reader. :) What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful little man.

  3. Love reading about this special young man. Just makes us love him even more - even though we haven't had the chance to meet him in person yet!

  4. Oh Sarah, thank you for sharing...your posts close our gap in distance. Love your idea about the tributes, can't wait to read about the girls!! Miss you and am praying for you guys!Happy New Year, may it be another year of blessings for your family!
