"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Still fighting...but the odds are looking better and better!

Before I go into detail about the court hearing please read this:
We are so very thankful for the unfathomable amount of support we have received.  I was humbled by all the support when the children came to us but am even moreso now.  I simply cannot believe how many people were rallying for us and our children.  I have lost count of the emails, the text messages, facebook comments, cards, phone messages, and gifts...I'm once again blown away.  From Happy Valley to California to Japan to Italy to the Midwest - we are grateful...just grateful.  Once again God has shown us His provision - only in a completely different way.  I am 100% convinced that I have only made it through this past week from the support of each of you - many of whom we don't even know.
I'm also very thankful for the grace you have shown me.  Thank you for not expecting much of me lately.  I have hardly returned one of those messages, comments, cards, or calls.  Please know that each of them were listened to or read and each of them was sincerely appreciated.  Thank you for knowing that I needed them and thank you for giving them without strings attached.  You each have shown so much of Christ's love to us and our children.  Thank you will never be enough.
We are thankful for YOU.

Now for the update:
Long story short, no decision has been made...yet.  But, friends, continue.
There has been a (fortunate for us) turn of events that we didn't quite expect that now have both biological parents in a condition where they are currently unable to care for the children.  Although we truly are sad (though not probably as much as we should be just yet) for them, we are rejoicing that this is the case.  This looks really, really good for us.  As upset as we were that we did not have a court date last month as we had hoped, it was for the best (as we know it always is but don't always believe it to be so).  If the hearing was last month, this turn of events may not have occurred.  PRAISE GOD for his sovreignty.
The judge is pleased that the children are "in a pre-adoptive home, are all together, and are thriving."
Those who are familiar with court (attorney's, caseworkers, etc) do believe that the judge will make a decision soon for the following reasons:
1.  The turn of events that just occurred
2.  The very few questions she asked and little concern she showed in court about the children (she had clearly read all the information sent to her - PRAISE GOD!)
3.  The fact that she scheduled a review hearing in six months from now (we're thinking hoping it won't get to this point and that she'll make a decision before then)

It is our prayer that a decision will be made in the next eight weeks...or even sooner.  I know, I know, that sounds so long.  We're learning that it's not :)  Visits still must occur, but we've been given a little slack with those.  We're only travelling once a month and when it's convenient for us and the children's school schedule.  PRAISE GOD!
This battle is not over, friends.  I will not rest until all the papers are signed and my children legally have our last name.  Please keep praying.  We're still fighting while we keep believing.

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
"Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal."
2 Cor. 4: 7-9, 16-18
Thank you, Erin xox



    Aunt Lubi

  2. Oh Sarah, it is looking up! Hallelujah! I pray for a fast(er) decision, but however long it takes for "thems kids" to have your last name.

  3. I'm happy to hear the good news you've gotten so far. You guys are all in my prayers. I pray for peace and justice and compassion on the part of your judge.

  4. Praise God! :) I read your post from this weekend and I can honestly say that there are few times that I am speechless, but that was one of them. We have been continuing to pray for you and your sweet family, we will continue to do so! Thank God that we know that He holds the keys and the steering wheel.

  5. Praise GOD!!!! We are rejoicing with you...and will continue to hold your dear family in our prayers! We can't wait to rejoice when you get to be OFFICIALLY, no-turning back, forever family!!!
    God is so faithful.

  6. So glad for this good news! I have been thinking and praying for you and your family. Thank you for updating in so much detail so that we can praise and pray in detail with you. God has clearly given these children to you, with your personality and abilities, to fight for them and to do it well. We will continue to pray with you that your children will be yours on paper as they already are in your hearts. Grace and peace to you!
