"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Don't Stop

Just when you think things are beginning to feel normal again...

...you get whacked in the head with a conviction stick!

We've had the kids just over six months.  It is only now that I can say things feel "normal."  All six of us have fallen into a routine and schedule that suit us all.  We're learning more about what makes each of us tick.  As parents, we're learning even more to anticipate what to expect from our kids.  I'm getting used to a "lived in" but still very clean house and the noise and chaos are something that calms my spirit now instead of something with which I must be patient.  We're really feeling "jelled."

Let Jordan and I both be honest here.  We felt like we've done our part.  We took not one but four children into our family and are providing them with the best life that we are able.  Knowing this, we have ingnored some opportunities to continue to bless others.  We have too regularly used our children as an excuse not to give more of our time or resources.  Now don't get me wrong:  I feel that children are a VERY valid reason not to exhaust your time and resources.  It is a priority of ours to spend quality time with our children and to give them opportunities.  However, that cannot be an excuse not to do more for this world or the people in it.  

Over the past few weeks I have been so strongly convicted that I simply cannot stop doing more.  There are two verses that are very familiar to me that have surfaced recently more times than I can count.

"This is how we know what love is:  Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.  If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."
- 1 John 3:16-18

"Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend we don't knwo what to do.  God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know and holds us responsible to act."
- Proverbs 24:12

These verses are not new to me but as of the last few weeks they've held a completely new meaning.  Friends, we cannot let ourselves become complacent.  Shamefully, Jordan and I have allowed ourselves to fall into this way of thinking.  We cannot be satisified with what we are doing.  There is always a chance to give more, to love more, to invest more, to help more.  This can look so different but can make such an impact.

Hear me now:  USS Ames is NOT done.  We have made a vow to NOT stop helping and giving because we have already done so.  That is not a good enough reason to stop.  It will take some creativity.  It will take some energy.  It will take some sacrifice.  But it will change lives.  Every person reading this has our permission to help keep us accountable.  

p.s.  Still no word on the latest court hearing.  We're still waiting but we're hopeful.  Here are some of the latest pictures of the kids.  Please excuse some of my "didn't have time to rotate" pictures.
Face painting at Quantico Fest 2011

Pumpkin Painting

Bug Catching...although they had the bucket they refused to touch the bugs!

My parents and our nephew Tyler came down for a weekend.  The big kids begged Tyler to carve their pumpkins.

So proud of our Student of the Month!

The Ninja


Cinderella (plus about three layers!)

Alice in Wonderland
She has NO CLUE who this is but her favorite color is blue so this costume won!

Heading to a Halloween Party down the street

After a busy night of Trick-or-Treating.  And yes, the baby is picking her nose :) 



  1. Oh Dear Sarah, you are giving, you just do not see it. You are giving through your words of faith that you have and are sharing with so many. I know for myself, I feel you are giving to me and having me look at life differently through your words and actions. Uncle Dennis and I have been volunteering to feed the homeless once a month at our church. We are trying to give back our time to so many that are less fortunate. Best be assured, that you are definitely giving my dear niece. One day you too will see it.
    Aunt Lubi

  2. I agree with Aunt Lubi, Sarah. You are giving more than you will ever kow. Just like Aunt Lubi said, you are helping me look at life differently; whether it is to have a little more paitence with a child in my classroom or realizing not to take life for granted.

    Love the costumes; especially yours, Mama. Is rea sleeping in the last picture? Give the kiddies a big hug from Aunt Annie and Uncle Joe. Hope to see you soon!!

  3. Ok typed fast...correct *know* and *Brea*
